7 questions your customers ask, and how your website must answer

7 questions your customers ask, and how your website must answer

Every visitor to your website has questions — lots of them. These questions must be answered before any visitor can become a customer. If your website doesn’t address or adequately answer those questions, the visitor will hold onto a feeling that something is not...
Chrome 57 Patches 36 Vulnerabilities

Chrome 57 Patches 36 Vulnerabilities

Google recently launched Chrome 57 bringing in several new features including the availability of CSS Grid Layout, and various functionality improvements.  The latest Chrome version fixed 36 vulnerabilities through its bug bounty program and the search giant has paid...
The SEO benefits of using WordPress

The SEO benefits of using WordPress

Launching a fully-fledged website is not enough to improve your online presence; SEO will be needed. Luckily, for WordPress users, there are a number of inbuilt features that make optimising your content for search significantly easier – let us help you maximize...