The ecommerce business sector reached profits of over $4.11 trillion USD in 2022. That number changes toward the higher end of the spectrum based on the source you research. Why would such a massive growth in online sales matter to your Australian NFP organisation? ...
Around 26 million people call Australia home. Our country is a veritable human kaleidoscope of backgrounds, philosophies, and physical capabilities. With so much diversity, you want the website of your not-for-profit (NFP) to be firing on all cylinders. As a...
If you can count on anything related to technology, it is that it will evolve and change. What works well for one NDIS-backed nonprofit in a week may be completely different a couple of days later. While the world has leveraged the power of Google’s search...
A recent paper from Carnegie Mellon University discussed the merits of using social media like X (formerly Twitter) during an emergency. The point was to illustrate how increased usage of any online activity correlates with a natural disaster like a harsh weather...
A solid and informative online presence is crucial to your success as an Australian not-for-profit (NFP). Engaging your clients is more than a big marketing image and a quick overview of your mission. Many clients and donors will seek out your website for additional...