Top Tips for Curating Highly Engaging Content for Your Australian NFP


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September 26, 2024

Roughly 90% of marketers rely on content inside any unique strategy or campaign. Quality content is the best way to connect with visitors to your many landing pages, social accounts, and online touchpoints. You will struggle to develop a consistent message without content that aligns with audience expectations. 

Australian Not-for-Profits are no different. Being able to leverage a reliable content creation strategy that is flexible and adaptable to current trends helps spread the word about your organisation. There is no point in running an adult daycare centre if no one knows you exist due to poor outreach. 

The challenge of content creation is finding a way to save time producing it without sacrificing the engagement you need to grow. There are many ways to do this, especially for your NFP, but starting with the basics ensures you have a solid foundation for future innovation.

The Basic Structure of NFP Content Curation

Content creation is building something from scratch, like a photo, video, phrase, comment, or quote. Content curation is different. You may be using your content or sharing content from visitors, influences, and other sources. When you “curate” that content, you are crafting a message that is identifiable and helps cultivate the image or brand you want your visitors to remember. 

Think about it this way. If McDonalds started sharing nothing but Chinese food images or tips on how to repair cars, people would get confused because that content doesn’t align with the general image or goals of the restaurant. You want to curate content that speaks to who you are as an NFP, what value you bring to the table, and how you help. 

To make this work, you’ll need to: 

  • Understand your audience and what content best appeals to their needs. 
  • Have a consistent posting schedule and time set aside to look for outsourced content. 
  • Share more than a single source or framework (movies, videos, blurbs, quotes, images, news, etc.). 
  • Always, always, always credit the sources of the content you share (if you can ask permission first, do it!). 

It is important to note that every social media platform has different rules around what you can and cannot share from other users. The general rule of thumb is to ask permission first. Plenty of people will be happy for the added exposure of your sharing their posts. 

What Content to Curate?

Deciding which of the content you view is optimal comes down to knowing your target audience. Do they want information about upcoming fundraisers, or are client stories more popular? 

An excellent example would be following 10-20 influencers who cook low-cost, quick, and easy meals for family members. You then pick and choose the recipes to share on your own accounts because your NFP’s mission is to help support struggling families with life skills. 

Another would be an animal rights organisation sharing updates about how legislation is changing or stories from local heroes helping animals find new homes, safe reintegration, or veterinarian aid.

How to Look for Curated Content

There is no 100% guaranteed method for finding the best quality curated content. You will have to do this on your own and decide over time what works best for your unique brand needs. Start by thinking about: 

  • Is the source well-known in the industry? 
  • Will this content entertain my audience or inform them of something they need? 
  • Does the content directly align with my NFP’s mission? 
  • Is there something unique or an angle in the content related to what I share? 
  • Can I add my own commentary to the content? 

You can look for this content on a wide range of platforms. Social media platforms, newsletters, email campaigns, AI, and Google are all good resources. Reddit and Quora also play a role. Just be careful sharing the top results from Google, as those tend to get the most attention due to others trying to curate their own content.

Where to Share Nonprofit Content?

Once you have a solid list of content to start curating, you want to divide or categorise it based on where it will be shared. Having folders or “content wells” for different social media platforms, your emails, and your website is a wise choice.

You also want to reach out to visitors and those who follow you online. The organic stories and reviews they provide are content gold and should be included in your curated mix. You can share this content on: 

  • Link roundups you post in newsletters with relevant news, posts, articles, and other informational items. 
  • Social media posts you schedule to remain consistent with your audience. 
  • Your NFP website in an appropriate space like your recent news or trending items. 

Just be sure to add your own unique spin. You are trying to establish your NFP as an expert source for your followers to rely upon. The more you are seen as a respected voice in your niche market, the more your shares will grow. 

Don’t forget your own original content as well. Infusing your content feed with some blog articles, recent organisation news, upcoming events, and personalised stories helps build that voice you will need to solidify your brand.

Final Thoughts

Content curation is a key skill your team will need to boost the visibility of your Australian NFP. Use these tips and a little A/B testing to see what works best for your target audience. You will make mistakes, and that is a good thing. This process involves a lot of trial and error until you focus on the brand voice you want. 

When you do decide to start sharing content, let our team at Web 105 help. We are a team of professional website designers and developers helping Australian NFPs, healthcare organisations, and government teams with new and updated sites. Our mobile responsive and clean layouts are a fantastic place to display social media feeds and custom curated content your audience will love. Give us a call today, and let’s get started!


What are the 3 pillars of content curation?

Remember to focus on your strategy, creativity, and promotion if you are completely lost about how to start with curation. Those 3 pillars will help you develop your own voice. 

What is an example of curated content?

Content curation is sourced from a reputable business, individual, or organisation. It is something you share on your own feeds or platforms to boost your credit as an expert. 

How do you curate content legally?

The legality of sharing content comes down to local laws and the platforms you use. The golden rule is to ask permission before you share anything. Most people will happily go along – especially for NFPs.