Boosting Donor Interest and Website Engagement with Nonpartisan Tips

Roughly 16.4 million Australians are registered to vote. During the 2019 federal election, about 92% voted on a range of topics and races. That is a strong turnout of voters and means many of the potential donors, volunteers, and employees likely have a strong opinion about politics.

Why does this matter to your local not-for-profit? Politics are a dangerous subject. One opinion spoken at the wrong time or included in the incorrect email message can drastically impact the amount of donor funds you receive or the public support you garner.

Saying this doesn’t mean you need to stay out of politics altogether. Every NFP is different, and some have focuses that rely on political support. However, supporting or promoting a candidate or political agenda gets messy quickly. In some cases, legal restrictions on your nonprofit come into play.

The best way to avoid any of these issues is to remain unbiased and nonpartisan unless it directly relates to the mission of your NFP. Donors and volunteers expect you to be passionate about your mission. Here are some tips to help you navigate this incredibly sensitive and emotionally charged topic.

#1 – Understand the Law

First, if you are part of the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission), you must avoid politics at all costs. You are not allowed to promote or oppose a political party or candidate.

However, you are 100% allowed to engage in advocacy related to your mission. For example, if a candidate is downplaying the importance of helping people experiencing homelessness in Sydney, you are not allowed to send out a marketing pamphlet to donors trashing that candidate. You can send out a letter asking for support and educating the public on the importance of fighting the issues surrounding homelessness.

It is a grey area but incredibly important to your success. You want to review your website and marketing materials to ensure you follow that fine line.

#2 – Educate Your Team

Finding volunteers to help with any NFP mission is never quick and easy. You want the best possible help you can get whenever you need it most.

The challenge comes if you have a volunteer wearing, for example, your branded t-shirt to a political rally and speaking to the press. Now, they represent your brand and speak as if from your NFP, even if you didn’t authorise such activities.

Save yourself the trouble by having clear policies on your website, your employee handbook, and during training. The more your team understands your NFP is focused on the work at hand and not the upcoming election, the better.

#3 – Monitor Activities

In the event you make a misstep somewhere when it comes to politics – trust us – you’ll know quickly. Emails will start flooding in and a lovely phone call from donors is likely to follow.

An excellent way to get ahead of these issues is to monitor your website, communication, and social media. Almost all these platforms have data analytics that informs you of where information or links about your NFP are coming from. You may need to clarify your messaging if you see a sudden uptick in backlinks from a far-right or far-left group.

#4 – Avoid Partisan Events

As an NFP, you will likely be asked to speak at certain events that align with the political agenda of a hot topic referendum or up and coming political upstart. You need to be careful here to only promote yourself in relation to your mission and not the campaign or advocacy for a political agenda.

Do your best to host many events where everyone from all parties is aligned. You have an extreme advantage in that most NFP missions unify people. Who doesn’t want to help supply more service pets to those with disabilities, feed children at schools, or improve the natural habitats of endangered creatures?

#5 – Promote Neutrality

Nonpartisan is all about welcoming any and all who wish to help. Make your volunteer, donor, and work policies clear on your website so that people understand you are not here to judge, but simply to perform and reach the goals of your mission.

That welcoming nature opens the doors to way more support because people will feel a sense of relief that you are “outside” any politically charged issue.

Why Does Non-partisanship Matter?

Why bring up the idea of politics as it applies to web traffic and NFP donor funds? Beyond the legalese of maintaining your charitable status, when you have a more welcoming and balanced presentation of information, you open the door to more potential support.

In 2023, the Treasury Department published a study of public trust in government over time. They found an extreme fluctuation in how much those over the age of 15 who were polled gave any trust to government agencies, actors, or leaders.

However, the same study also found that the numbers on political participation, social cohesion, and collaboration also fluctuated in sync with trust capital.

Why does this matter to your Australian NFP and website design? Building trust with your target audience is crucial to success. If you want more visitors, you need to exude a digital presence that welcomes trust and builds your brand as an authority.

The more clients, volunteers, donors, and stakeholders trust your NFP, the greater the funds and other resources you’ll acquire.

Your goal now, and will always be, is to gently cultivate that trust with your public. You have a mission that is far more important than seasonal politics. The good of the people who rely on your services are at stake, and that requires nonpartisan efforts.

How to Get Started

The easiest way to ensure all your digital communication is nonpartisan is to have editors and readers from different walks of life review your information. The best way to boost visitation and provide a welcoming online presence is through professional website design and development.

Our team at Web 105 remains just as committed to the public as you. We have worked with numerous healthcare professionals, government agencies, and other nonprofit organisations just like you that must present a fair and balanced image to the public. Our team understands the importance of inclusive design, mobile responsiveness, and ensuring a presence focused on what matters most – your mission.

Give us a call today, and let’s discuss how to thread that philosophical needle so your UI/UX is clean, easy to navigate, and creates a rewarding experience for your target audience.


What is a nonpartisan nonprofit?

A truly nonpartisan Not-for-profit organisation takes no part in either supporting or opposing any political candidate, party, or referendums unless they are related to the mission. Even then, any communication or marketing always sticks to the mission and not general political theory.

What is the not-for-profit law in Australia?

All your “assets and income of the organisation” must be applied to your mission and not for political gain or support.

What is the Australian Not-for-profit charities Commission?

The ACNC helps NFPs of all sizes as the national regulatory of charities. People trust your NFP more if you are a member because you must follow specific rules to keep you nonpartisan and focused on your mission.