SEO Apocalypse: Google Confirms the Fred Algorithm Update


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April 5, 2017

Google Update Fred

Google Update Fred

If your ranking dropped (over 10 positions) last month, you have been hit by Fred.  Every time Google releases an update, SEO’ers think is it the end of the world! On the 9th of March, Search Engine Land first reported the new, unconfirmed Google ranking update (affectionately named Fred); and followed up with research that over 100 sites suffered 50-90% declines in organic traffic due to the content being wrapped up in ads and the ads were a bit hard to differentiate from the content. This is good news for SEOs who work within Google’s preferred parameters and avoid spammy link-building practices. Indeed, it emphasizes the important and expanding role your SEO agency places on high-quality, relevant content.

Read more about this update here.

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